Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Commonly Used Network Monitoring Commands in Linux – Part I

Flexibility and usability of networking commands is one of the major strengths of UNIX like Operating System. Network administrators can quickly identify and fix the problem using these commands very effectively. In this article I mentioned some of the basic commands available in most of the UNIX like operating systems, also I gave small brief about some of the commonly used options for each commands. More details  of each commands is available in Linux man page. I explained few commands here in Part – I and the remaining commands will be explained in the next parts of this article.

# ping
This command is used to find if the end system is reachable from the current system or not. It sends ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packet to the specified system/server/gateway/network element to get the ECHO_RESPONSE packet.
Note: ping uses 28 byte of data for header information.
In Linux it usually send infinite number of packets unless you specify -c option. To quit ping command press ctrl+c key.
Basic syntax for ping command is:
ping <ipaddress/hostname>

for example      ping

ping 0/ping localhost/ping – checks if the local interface is working
commonly used options for ping are
-i <n> wait n seconds between sending each packet.
ping -i 5 will send ping requests every 5 seconds
ping -i 0.1 will send 100 ms interval time.
Note: Only super user can send ping packets lesser than 200 ms

Read more: Varghees Samraj