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In this article we explain how to enable Debugging Mode in Windows 8. We are giving you Windows 8 Debugging Mode with the help of Advanced Startup Settings. Basically you can do Windows 8 Debugging Mode with the help of the shortcut key Shift + F8. Debugging Mode is accepted due to some problems caused by driver updates. The Advanced startup option is also known as Startup Menu. It includes various System Repair and Troubleshooting Modes. In Windows Startup Settings you can run Windows in Debugging Mode. If you want to access Windows 8 in Debugging Mode.
First you open the search box and type the Advanced Startup under Settings. You click on the Advanced Startup. After opening the Advanced Startup, you will see the PC Settings in the General and you click on the Restart Now Button under Advanced Startup and you choose Troubleshoot. You click on Troubleshoot and you will see many options and choose the Advanced option and click on it. After in this you can click on the Windows Startup Settings and open the Windows Startup, you click on the Restart Button. The Startup option is now in Windows 8 which allows the user to explication where the Computer has some trouble and causes problems.
Steps How to Enable Debugging Mode in Windows 8
Step 1 : You can move the cursor on the right-bottom and click on the search box and type in it what you want.
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