![Inline image 1](http://www.basic4ppc.com/android/images/debugger.png)
Basic4android is the simplest and most powerful Rapid Application Development (RAD) tool available for the Android platform
- Basic4android includes all features needed to develop great, real-world Android applications
- Compiled applications are native Android applications, there is no extra run-time or any dependencies
- Our community with over 20k developers is waiting to help you get started
General Features
- Simple and powerful tool
- IDE and programming language 100% focused on Android development
- Compiles to native bytecode. No runtime libraries are required. Created APK files are exactly the same as APK files created with Java / Eclipse
- Performance is similar to applications written with Java
- Event driven programming language similar to Visual Basic with support for objects and code modules
- No need to write any XML files
- Highly extensible with support for custom Java libraries
- Large, active and friendly community of developers. Over 20,000 registered developers!
- The only available true WYSIWYG visual editor for Android. The visual editor supports multiple screens and resolutions
- Easily create sophisticated layouts with the powerful designer scripts feature.New!
- All Android phones and tablets starting with Android 1.6 and up to 4.0 are supported
- Modern IDE with autocomplete, built-in documentation, internal index New! and other advanced features
- Powerful step-by-step debugger
- Large set of documentation with a custom online search engine and offline search engine tools
- Built-in code obfuscation
Read more: Basic4android
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