Thursday, December 29, 2011

How to make a Dummy VGA Dongle


I figured id make this guide to help people running more than 1 card. or dual GPU's. As without these niffty devices tri quad or even 6-8 GPU's will not run on the same machine. here is how it is done.

First get yourself a DVI to VGA adapter. Any will do.


Next you will need resistors. The other guides on the net say to use between 68-70 ohm ones but any i find will do. The point of the resistor is to well...privide resistence so that Vista is fooled into thinking their is another monitor. Why do this? We are doing this because monitors are detected through current. when you plug a monitor in their is resistence on the line. if we mimic resistence we in essence mimic a monitor.

you can get resistors at your local radioshack or micro center. we will need 3 per dongle so if you plan to make more than one buy accordingly.


Now that we have our parts we need a diagram. you in essance will be putting the resistors in the last 3 holes of the first and second line on the right side of the vga (blue) end. Sound difficult? Its not but here is a pic.

ok so now we start. Now some guides will make you take apart the connector etc. However this is unnessisary it fits fine you simply need to wiggle it if it gets caught. let us begin.

First you have a standard VGA adapter.

Read more: Tech PowerUp forum
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Posted via email from Jasper-Net