Monday, January 02, 2012



PerfView is a performance analysis tool focusing on ETW information (ETL files) as well as CLR memory information (heap dumps). It can collect and view ETL files as well as XPERF CSV files. Powerful grouping operators allow you to understand performance profiles in ways other tools can't. PerfView is used internally at Microsoft by a number of teams and is the primary performance investigation tool on the .NET Runtime team. Features include:

        Non-invasive collection - suitable for use in live, production environments
        Xcopy deployment - copy and run
            Support for very large heaps (gigabytes)
            Snapshot diffing
            Dump files (.dmp)
        CPU Performance
            Support for managed, native, and mixed code
            Can read XPerf logs
            Profile diffing”

Read more: Yuval Sinay
QR: perfview.aspx

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