Sunday, August 21, 2011

Storage Engines in MySQL

Not too long back, MySQL was not even regarded as a complete RDBMS. But, it supports some unique features and options that allow users to customize the database according to the requirements. The most amazing feature is the support to allow you to define the type of table in which your records will be stored. Based on the features of table type, you may choose multiple table types within same database. The table types are now called storage engines.

Popular storage engines supported in MySQL are:

    BerkeleyDB (BDB)
    Heap (In-Memory)


MyISAM is the improved version of the original storage engine of MySQL, ISAM. After MySQL 3.23, MyISAM replaced ISAM as the default storage engine. ISAM was completely removed from MySQL 5 onwards. The MyISAM engine is fast and thus, preferred for web and other application environments. It is also used for data warehousing. MyISAM, however, is not transaction-safe and supports 64 keys per table with maximum key length of 1024 bytes. The size of MyISAM table depends on the host operating system. There are no limitations on data file transfer and the data files can be ported from system to system.

Read more: refulz

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