Sunday, August 21, 2011

Windows in Silverlight

SilveOS is proof of concept of the idea that Silverlight is Windows in a browser. You might expect that this amazing software, which challenges Chrome among others, would be from Microsoft - but no it is from a tiny operation that is both undersupported and underfunded.

In earlier I Programmer articles discussing the completely insane nature of the idea that Microsoft might dump Silverlight or indeed the whole of .NET the point that Silverlight is Windows in a browser has been made a number of times.

However, this throwaway line wasn't explained in any great detail. The point is that Silverlight is .NET inside the browser and, if you assume that all modern Windows apps should be written in .NET, this means that any modern Windows app should run in Silverlight.

Hence Silverlight is Windows in a browser.

This is a very neat idea but it sounds a bit abstract and you might even doubt that it is true in any strict sort of sense. How can Silverlight provide all of the facilities of the operating system? Of course it can't because it can only provide those that have been translated into the .NET Silverlight class library - but this is a very wide range of facilities from file system to multimedia. All it lacks is someone to create a Silverlight version of the Shell and versions of many of the standard utilities such as the file manager and so on.

Read more: I Programmer
QR: 2908-windows-in-silverlight.html

Posted via email from Jasper-Net