Tuesday, May 24, 2011

SQL Server: How to Remove Extra Spaces From String Value

xtra spaces between characters of a string value is a common problem and if you’re a developer then you must have faced the problem. On request of a blog reader here is a script from my query bank which I like to use to remove such extra spaces.

--Create a temp table for testing our query
CREATE TABLE #ExtraSpaces ( MyVal VARCHAR(8000))

--Insert some value to test
INSERT  INTO #ExtraSpaces
SELECT  'This     is my                         message.               '
SELECT 'This      message   contains            tabs and    extra       spaces'

-- Lets remove extra spaces and tabs
WHILE 1 = 1
        UPDATE  #ExtraSpaces
        SET    MyVal = REPLACE(
CHARINDEX('  ', MyVal, 1) - 1) + ' '
                + LTRIM(
CHARINDEX('  ', MyVal, 1), 8000)),'  ',' ')
        WHERE   CHARINDEX('  ', MyVal, 1) > 0

Read more: Connect SQL