Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Setting up central Mercurial server in Ubuntu

It’s been a while since we’ve been thinking about moving to Mercurial from Subversion at our company. We were convinced about the benefits of DVCS and chose Mercurial over Git. However, due to pressure at work and some procrastination, the move was delayed a couple times. Finally, today we had the move and the team is already up to speed with it.

Although it’s quite simple to install it in a central server, the different articles on the web had me confused with too many options or with a different distro than Ubuntu. So, here is a dead simple list of things to do for installing Mercurial centrally for your dev team.

1. Log onto your server using SSH

2. Install mercurial from repository:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mercurial

3. We need to have a directory to store our Mercurial configuration and repository files, so let’s create one and change it’s owner to the apache user so that apache can access them:

cd /var/
sudo mkdir hg
sudo mkdir hg/repos
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data hg/repos

Read more: Emran Hasan's Blog