Monday, May 09, 2011

Peer-To-Peer Chat - Advanced!

Today we are going to work on a peer-to-peer, P2P, chat system. The approach that I'm taking requires that you have two computers on a local area network, or you could have one computer and use virtual machines. Basically, you can only run one peer on a single computer.

I've seen many P2P chat systems around the web that use a client/server approach using TCP (Transmission Control Protocol). I'm going to take a pure peer-to-peer approach using UDP (User Datagram Protocol). In this system there is no server, each of the peers is equal to any other peer. Just a quick background on TCP and UDP. TCP and UDP are part of the TCP/IP protocol suite for networking. TCP is a connection based protocol where you need a connection between hosts. UDP is a connectionless protocol where a sender just sends out data and doesn't care if it is received or not.

To get started create a new Windows Forms application called PeerToPeerChat. Right click the Form1.cs that was generated and select Rename. Change the name of this form to ChatForm.cs. When it asks if you want to change the instances of the form in code say yes. I also added in a very simple form to log in a user. Right click the PeerToPeerChat project in the Solution Explorer and select Add|Windows Form. Name this new form LoginForm. Onto the form I dragged a Label, Text Box, and Button. My finished form in the designer looked like this.

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