Thursday, January 06, 2011

Linux 2.6.37 Released

It's early January, and bleary-eyed people everywhere are getting over their hangovers and wondering where they should send their merge requests to.
And now they can. Because 2.6.37 is out, and the merge window for the next release is thus open. Of course, as usual, I'll probably let 2.6.37 cool for a few days to try to encourage people to look at the release rather than go all crazy with newly merged features in the next tree.
All in all, not a lot happened the last week. The diffstat is dominated by some VFS locking documentation and a few updates to fix up some ASoC codex register cache changes. The rest is really pretty small and boring. Full shortlog (from -rc8, naturally - the shortlog for the whole 2.6.37 release is much too big) appended.
We did have another revert to fix hopefullythe last "blank screen" regression on intel graphics.

Read more: LKML