Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The 300+ Features We Weren’t Shown In Windows 8

While we were all given a great look at Windows 8 and even access to downloading the Windows 8 Developer Preview so we can all try it out for ourselves, apparently Microsoft didn’t get around to showing us half of the new features in Windows 8. It was mentioned that there is still more than 300 features in development for the new OS, some weren’t demonstrated and others are still under development.

Microsoft briefly showed a slide of all these different features but haven’t published the list. However one Microsoft enthusiast over at WinRumors actually went through the whole list and typed them out so kudos to him!

  1. Battery Life
  2. Time/Battery/Date/Network status
  3. Browser
  4. Protection against app (…)/ malware scan
  5. Apps are certified
  6.  Pre-boot reset
  7.  OEM Activation
  8.  Windows Adapts To Your Location
  9.  Hardening For Genuine
  10.  Powershell Support
  11.  Spotlight
  12.  Integrated Load Balancing
  13.  Pre-Install
  14.  Identity Management Service – Live Integration
  15.  SendTo
  16.  Windows Performance Analyzer
  17.  Desktop Apps
  18.  Key Management Services
  19.  Start
  20.  Multi Hand (…)
  21.  BitLocker Self-encrypting Drive
  22.  Credential Management interface
  23.  Tile groupings
  24.  Files Folders Search
  25.  Tiles
  26.  Optional Public Key Infrastructure
  27.  Faster resume from hibernation
  28.  Application package
  29.  Always On Always Connected
  30. more...

Read more: Windows 8 News
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Posted via email from Jasper-Net