Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Paint.NET v3.5.9 Beta (build 4278) is now available

This is a minor update to Paint.NET v3.5. It has some bug fixes, and also adds back in the Korean translation (thanks to Bing translator).

As usual, you can download it directly from the website or you can use the built-in updater. Make sure that you enable “Also check for pre-release (beta) versions”, which you can do by going to Utility –> Check for Updates, and then clicking on the Options button.

Here’s the changes from v3.5.8:

    Improved: The "Auto-detect" bit-depth setting for PNG, BMP, and TGA now also determines which bit-depth to use based on which one produces the smallest file size, as well as which ones can save the image without losing fidelity.
    Improved: You can now use Ctrl+0 as a shortcut key for View -> Actual Size, in addition to Ctrl+Shift+A and Ctrl+Alt+0.
    Fixed: Some text in the DirectDraw Surface (DDS) Save Configuration UI was not being loaded.
    Fixed: Some DirectDraw Surface (DDS) files authored with other software (e.g. Unreal 2004) could not be loaded.
    Fixed: In some rare circumstances, clicking on the Save button in the toolbar would crash.
    Fixed: The Korean translation has been added back in, with the help of Bing machine translation to cover the few remaining strings that were untranslated.

Read more: Paint.NET Blog
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Posted via email from Jasper-Net