Tuesday, December 14, 2010

HowTo: object orientated programming / OOP in Javascript (create a simple class)

Because of the increasing hype about AJAX and the “file-format” JSOPN, another subject in the field of web-developmen gets more and more interesting: Javascript-development.

All in all, in my opinion a little change is happening to web-development – we try to realize many things on the client.

I appreciate this change because, why should I communicate with the server while sorting a chart when the files are already on the client?

Exactly these are the types of assignments that are done by Javascript-Frameworks today. In Microsoft’s ASP.NET AJAX Extensions you will find a client-library as well. But there is a general question: How is it possible to encapsulate files in such a Framework? How is it possible to define own Javascript classes with methods?

Defining classes and methods in Javascript – Keyword “prototype”

Prototype is not only a keyword in the fields of Javascript Framework for defining methods, also in the world of JS.

But step by step now.

We create a very simple example: a rectangle. The attributes are width and height and we just want to know the area.

Step 1: defining the constructor including member

function Rectangle()

In fact, the constructor is a normal JS function because the keyword “class” doesn’t exist in JS. After that we tell them our two attributes “width” and “height” and as usual in OOP beginning with “this”.

Step 2: defining getter/setter

Read more: Code-Inside Blog International

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