Tuesday, January 28, 2014

SharpDevelop 5 goes MIT and Beta 1 too!

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It has been (too) long in the making, but our major rearchitecting of SharpDevelop is close to being done, with only a few functional areas not in this Beta release:

EnvDTE.FileCodeModel is missing, thus our custom NuGet packages will be broken (T4MVC, MVCScaffolding and EF)
Code Quality Analysis and SharpDevelop Reports are missing (due to a rewrite of SDR)
Please note that Beta 2 is not too far off, and these will be in Beta 2.

As pointed out in the blog post SharpDevelop 5 C# Tech Preview, we are still shipping with C# only in SharpDevelop 5 – and this will most likely remain true for RTM too. (VB.NET will compile, but it won't have code completion nor refactoring) SharpDevelop 5 installs in parallel to older versions, and if you have the patience: give it a dry run with a copy of an existing project (at least backup and/or use source control before you let a beta IDE touch your source code).

For further information on what's new, please consult this list of select blog posts from the team members (I'll be doing a few "What's New" blog posts in the coming days, because obviously these are only a few big-ticket items - check back!):