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Today we released an update to our Visual Studio 2012 tools for Git. We've been iterating on these since the first release in February and each release gets more complete, easier to use and better performance. Of course that same tooling (though it's a bit older release than is included in the VS 2013 preview and more recent version will be included in the VS 2013 RTM.
Here's an excerpt from the release notes on what's new in this release.
- Fix for "locked files" issues (including Resharper)
- Fix for using repositories under junction points
- Improved rename detection in Changes and Conflicts pages
- Improved error messages seen when switching branches
- Line ending filters are correctly applied when undoing, diffing, and merging files
- Added files are no longer automatically staged in the index
- Continued performance improvements
Check it out and let us know what you think.
Read more: Brian Harry's blog
Read more: Visual Studio Tools for Git
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