Sunday, February 17, 2013

Creating Metro (Windows 8) Loading Animation Using XAML


This article provides a complete XAML code with explanation required to create a Metro-style loading animation as seen in Microsoft Windows 8. A developer will be able to customize this code (e.g. change a particle color, a rotating speed, etc.) to suit his needs.

During my development, I use Kaxaml as a tool to create the animation.


There are plenty of articles out there providing tutorials about how to create an AJAX-style loading animation (busy indicator) in Silverlight/WPF using XAML. However, as my job required me to mimic a Metro-style loading animation, I decided to create one and shared it here


    xmlns:system = "clr-namespace:System;assembly=mscorlib"
        <SolidColorBrush x:Key = "ParticleColor" Color = "#006699"/>
        <SolidColorBrush x:Key = "ParticleBackgroundColor" Color = "Transparent"/>
        <system:Double x:Key = "ParticleOpacity">1</system:Double>
        <system:Double x:Key = "StartingPointX">0</system:Double>
        <system:Double x:Key = "StartingPointY">-20</system:Double>
        <Style x:Key = "EllipseStyle" TargetType = "Ellipse">
            <Setter Property = "Width" Value = "5"/>
            <Setter Property = "Height" Value = "5"/>
            <Setter Property = "Fill" Value = "{StaticResource ParticleColor}"/>
            <Setter Property = "RenderTransformOrigin" Value = "0.5, 0.5"/>
            <Setter Property = "Opacity" Value = "1"/>
    <Canvas Width = "50" Height = "50">
            <EventTrigger RoutedEvent = "Canvas.Loaded">
                            x:Key = "MetroLoadingAnimation"
                            BeginTime = "00:00:00.000"
                            Duration = "00:00:2.000"
                            RepeatBehavior = "Forever">
                                Storyboard.TargetName = "p0"
                                Storyboard.TargetProperty = "(UIElement.RenderTransform).(RotateTransform.Angle)"
                                From = "0"
                                To = "360"
                                BeginTime = "00:00:00.000"
                                Duration = "00:00:01.000"/>
                                Storyboard.TargetName = "p1"
                                Storyboard.TargetProperty = "(UIElement.RenderTransform).(RotateTransform.Angle)"
                                From = "0"
                                To = "360"
                                BeginTime = "00:00:00.100"
                                Duration = "00:00:01.100"/>

Read more: Codeproject
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