Sunday, February 10, 2013

Augmented reality using C#

Inline image 1


Here I will demonstrate how to use Graphics, fast Bitmaps and camera to create an augmented reality setting using C# in WPF.


Using of the code provided requires the XNA framework to be installed (however, it is not crucial, since I only use Vector2). WPF is not a strict requirement, the same algorithm can be implemented in a simple Windows Forms Application. Also, the code is parallelized, so you will need .NET framework 4.0 to run it (or simply replace each Parallel.For with a for).


The closest thing to holding a fireball or a lightning ball in your hand is probably seeing yourself with it in an augmented reality world. So, here I will show you how to create a simple magic effect that follows a light source. The Effect should look like this:

QR: Inline image 2

Posted via email from Jasper-Net