Thursday, September 13, 2012

Windows 8 ToDo Demo Walkthrough - Part 1

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The Windows Azure Mobile Services (WAMoS) Preview’s initial release enables application developers targeting Windows 8 to automate the following programming tasks:
  • Creating a Windows Azure SQL Database (WASDB) instance and table to persist data entered in a Windows 8 Modern (formerly Metro) UI application’s form
  • Connecting the table to the generated data entry front end app
  • Authenticating application users
  • Pushing notifications to users
This walkthrough explains how to obtain a Windows Azure 90-day free trial, create a C#/XAML WASDB instance for a todo application, add a table to persist todo items, and generate and use a sample oakleaf-todo Windows 8 front-end application. During the preview period, you can publish up to six free Windows Mobile applications.

Prerequisites: You must perform this walkthrough under Windows 8 RTM with Visual Studio 2012 Express or higher. Downloading and installing the Mobile Services SDK Preview from GitHub also is required.

Note: The WAMoS abbreviation for Mobile Services distinguishes them from Windows Azure Media Services (WAMeS).

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2. Log in with your Windows Live or Office 365 ID and sign up for a 90-day free trial if you don’t have an account:

Read more: DZone
QR: Inline image 2

Posted via email from Jasper-Net