Monday, July 30, 2012

The Truth About .NET Objects And Sharing Them Between AppDomains

I have written already some time ago how big a .NET object is. John Skeet as also made a very detailed post about object sizes in .NET. I wanted to know if we can deduce the object size not by experiments (measuring) but by looking at the Rotor source code. There is indeed a simple definition in the object headers how big a .NET object minimally can be. A CLR object is still a (sophisticated) structure which is at an address that is changed quite often by the garbage collector.

Inline image 1

The picture above shows that every .NET object contains an object header which contains information about which thread in which AppDomain has locked the object (means called Monitor.Enter). Next comes the Method Table Pointer which defines a managed type for one AppDomain. If the assembly is loaded AppDomain neutral this pointer to the type object will have the same value in all AppDomains. This basic building block of the CLR type system is also visible in managed code via Type.TypeHandle.Value which has IntPtr size.



// The generational GC requires that every object be at least 12 bytes
// in size.   
#define MIN_OBJECT_SIZE     (2*sizeof(BYTE*) + sizeof(ObjHeader))
A .NET object has basically this layout:

class Object
    MethodTable*    m_pMethTab;

class ObjHeader
    // !!! Notice: m_SyncBlockValue *MUST* be the last field in ObjHeader.
    DWORD  m_SyncBlockValue;      // the Index and the Bits

For x86 the minimum size is therefore 12 bytes = 2*4+4. And for x64 it is 24 bytes = 2*8+8. The ObjectHeader struct is padded with another 4 bytes in x64 which does add up to 24 bytes for every object instance. The MIN_OBJECT_SIZE definition has actually a factor two inside it whereas we would expect 8 as minimum empty object size. The previous sentence does contain already the answer to it. It makes little sense to define empty objects. Most meaningful objects have at least one member variable of class type which is indeed another pointer sized member hence the minimum size of 12 bytes (24) bytes in x86/x64.

It is interesting to know that the garbage collector does not know anything about AppDomains. For him the managed heap does only consist of objects which have roots or not and does clean up everything which is not rooted anymore. I found this during the development of WMemoryProfiler which uses DumpHeap of Windbg to get all object references from the managed heap. When I did access all objects found this way I got actually objects from other AppDomains as well. And they did work! It is therefore possible to share objects directly between AppDomains.

Why would you want to do that? Well it is fun and you can do really dirty stuff with that. Do you remember that you cannot unload assemblies from an AppDomain? Yes that is still true but why would you ever want to unload an assembly? Mostly because you were doing some dynamic code generation which will at some point in time dominate your overall memory consumption if you load generated assemblies into your AppDomain. I have seen this stuff many times for dynamic query generation. The problem is that if you load the dynamically created code into another AppDomain you need to serialize the data to the other AppDomain as well because you cannot share plain objects between AppDomains. To serialize potentially much data across AppDomain is prohibitively slow and therefore people live with the restriction that code gen will increase the working set quite a lot.  With some tricks you can now share plain objects between AppDomain and get unloadable code as well.

Warning: This following stuff well beyond the specs but it does work since .NET 2.0 up to 4.5.

Do not try this at work!

Read more: Alois Kraus
QR: Inline image 2

Posted via email from Jasper-Net