NHibernate offers several cascading options. Consider the behaviour of each, and choose the best option for your app.
- delete – If an object is deleted, delete all associated objects.
- delete-orphans – If an object is deleted, delete all objects associated to it. Also when an object is no longer associated with another object, delete it.
- all-delete-orhpans - If an object is saved, deleted, or updated, check associated objects and save, delete, or update them. Also when an object is no longer associated with another object, delete it.
- save-update – When an object is saved or updated, save or update any associated objects that are now dirty
- all – If an object is saved, deleted, or updated, check related objects and save, delete, or update them
- none – Let’s developers handle cascades by themselves.
Read more: <MCGUIRE::code>
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