Louis Solomon / SteelBytes
Written 22/Apr/08
Revised 23/Apr/08 typo's and comment about link.exe/editbin.exe, and the 'quick notes'
Added Link 25/Aug/08 My command line tool that patches compiled code ExeVersion
Added Link 27/Aug/08 other related work LegacyExtender
Here is the result of my exploring this problem ... YMMV :-)
Part 1 (NT4 and Win9x): the required OS version flags in the .exe header are set to 5.0. Can you use Link.exe's or EditBin.exe's /SUBSYSTEM switch to fix this? No, as they don't let you set a value less then 5.0 on both the OS and SubSystem fields (using older version of EditBin from some older version of VS/VC/SDK apparently works). Solution is to patch 'em back to 4.0, here is some code that will do that
HANDLE hmapping = CreateFileMapping(hfile,0,PAGE_READWRITE,0,0,0);
if (hmapping)
BYTE *file_base = (BYTE *)MapViewOfFileEx(hmapping,FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS,0,0,0,0);
if (file_base)
IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER *ioh = (IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER *)(file_base + ((IMAGE_DOS_HEADER *)file_base)->e_lfanew + 4 + sizeof(IMAGE_FILE_HEADER));
ioh->MajorOperatingSystemVersion = 4;
ioh->MinorOperatingSystemVersion = 0;
ioh->MajorSubsystemVersion = 4;
ioh->MinorSubsystemVersion = 0;
Part 2 (Win9x): the CRT uses the Unicode / Widechar version of GetModuleHandle() in it's internal _crt_waiting_on_module_handle(). Here is a replacement that doesn't
extern "C" __declspec(noinline) HMODULE __cdecl _crt_waiting_on_module_handle(LPCWSTR szModuleName)
#define INCR_WAIT 1000
#define _MAX_WAIT_MALLOC_CRT 60000
char szModuleNameA[MAX_PATH];
unsigned long nWaitTime = INCR_WAIT;
HMODULE hMod = GetModuleHandleA(szModuleNameA);
Read more: louis.steelbytes.com