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P2V (physical to virtual machine) conversion tools are developed to clone physical computer in virtual hard disk image format, so that users can easily use their converted physical machine on virtualization software. There are certainly endless situations where one needs to turn physical computer into virtual machine. Consider an instance where you’re updating your system, and don’t want to go through the hassle of backing up all the data, installed applications with saved preferences, registry hives and more. In such a situation, what you can do is use a P2V conversion utility to take a snapshot of your physical machine and run it in Oracle VirtualBox, VMware Player, or Microsoft’s Virtual PC. This will make it easy to restore the data from old PC and use installed application with saved preferences on a new host computer.
Paragon Go Virtual is application for Windows that lets you convert your physical computer into virtual machine. It presents a simple wizard which guides you through the process of converting the physical machine. You can also choose the target virtualization software (VMware, Virtual Box, or Virtual PC) that you want to use to run the converted physical machine on your host system. All you need is to launch the wizard, specify the hard disk partition where Windows is installed, and configure virtual machine settings to start converting your physical machine. When launched for the first time, it asks you enter the product key and serial number. Clicking Get Free Serial takes your directly to registration form, where you need to enter the required details to get the serial number.
The main interface lets you create a new virtual disk and adjust OS on existing virtual disk. Just click P2V Copy to launch wizard for copying an entire hard disk or separate volumes to new virtual machine.
Read more: Addictive tips
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