OpenSOCKS is a new alternative to MOSA and COSMOS and is infact a mix of the two kernels. This website is here to host and provide access to documentation and source code of the two projects.
So what is Socks?
Well Socks is a open source C# kernel alternative to MOSA and Cosmos, it contains code from both and things we like about them into one kernel. Now this is just a test. The kernel is not even close to being fully finished. But you can get a glimpse of what we Pear Developers do in our spare time.
Who made Socks possible?
Matt (civilwarrock) always wanted his own kernel, so he took MOSA and started to tweak and rewrite some things. After messing around he found that he had his own Kernel. So he made socks possible. But it is far from finished.
Hello world boot, Console.ReadLine() test
Code behind that screenshot?
* Wrote by: Matt, for the OpenSocks team.
using System;
using iPear.HelloWorld.Tests;
using iPear.Kernel;
using iPear.Kernel.x86;
using iPear.Kernel.x86.Smbios;
using iPear.Kernel.x86.Hardware;
namespace iPear.HelloWorld
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public static class Boot
/// <summary>
/// Entrance point of the OS.
/// </summary>
public static void Main()
Console.ForegroundColor = Console.ConsoleColor.LightGreen;
Console.WriteLine("Hello, from the OpenSocks team. This is a example os!");
Console.ForegroundColor = Console.ConsoleColor.White;
while (true)
string input = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("You typed:" + input);
Read more: Codeplex