BREAKING NEWS – A previously unknown book of quatrains by Nostradamus was recently discovered in a small church in Salon-de-Provence. Called “The Codex of Dyadic Sciences”, these works by the ancient French apothecary/prophet appear to predict a number of key breakthroughs in the field of information technology.
The Great Prophet Speaks Again
Most quatrains have been analyzed by a group of leading technologists and have yielded some truly amazing predictions. For example, consider this quatrain:
When the Vulpi of Fire enters its fourth dimension,
And the Cerulean Mark of the Northern Dominion passes ten,
And the steely Tri-color Sphere of the Wise Seekers enters infinity,
A new era of blissful creation will be unleashed upon the webbed craftsmen.
Experts believe that Nostradamus is describing a time when all three major browsers will fully support a set of web standards, finally making it possible to develop truly browser agnostic web applications.
Read more: Codeproject