Microsoft Office File Formats Documentation The Microsoft Office file formats documentation provides technical specifications for Microsoft proprietary file formats that are implemented and used in the Microsoft Office system. Microsoft Office Protocol Documentation The Office protocol documentation provides technical specifications for Microsoft proprietary protocols that are implemented and used in the Microsoft Office system. Microsoft Exchange Server Protocol Documentation The Microsoft Exchange protocol documentation provides detailed technical specifications for the Microsoft protocols that are implemented and used by Microsoft Exchange to interoperate or communicate with other products. It also provides technical specifications for extensions to industry-standard and other published protocols that are used by Microsoft Exchange. Microsoft Exchange and Microsoft Outlook Standards Documentation The Microsoft Exchange and Microsoft Outlook standards documentation describes how Exchange and Outlook support industry messaging standards and Requests for Comments (RFCs) documents about iCalendar, Internet Message Access Protocol – Version 4 (IMAP4), and Post Office Protocol – Version 3 (POP3). Read more: Greg's Cool [Insert Clever Name] of the Day