Monday, January 02, 2012

Windows 8 Vs Ubuntu Let’s get a closer view.


When Microsoft announced Windows 8 and released the developer version, it created a lot of buzz around the Internet. With all the new Metro UI and Cloud integration, Windows 8 has certainly taken a huge step in the world of computing. However, the buzz that Windows 8 created was all diverted towards Ubuntu 11.10, when the folks at Canonical released it few days back.

Microsoft’s Windows has managed to lead the competition in the Desktop OS market with 91.9 percent market share, while the Mac OS has a 6.9 percent market share. However, now the popularity of Ubuntu is rising, and Microsoft has a new level of competition in the OS market. Ubuntu is the next big challenge for Microsoft and it might prove Microsoft wrong, which once thought that Linux was over and done with.

When I had my first glimpse at the Microsoft Windows 8 developer version, I was totally impressed with its looks and features. However, I was more captivated and fascinated towards Ubuntu 11.10, and just like a small kid, I was excited about it. And certainly, Ubuntu kept up to my expectations by bringing in vast improvements and many awaited features.

Read more: SparkyHub

Posted via email from Jasper-Net