Wednesday, January 25, 2012

WCF Service Method Level Security using Message Contract


This article illustrates how to implement security for a service method, in the context of custom authentication, confidentiality and integrity, using Message Contract. The message is packed with authentication information at the client side in the MessageHeader. The Service intercepts this message and validates the credibility of the consumer client. Besides, we will also check, using Message Contract how can sign or encrypt partial header information and all body information in a message.
Real Life Scenario

There could a service method which is passing sensitive information over the wire and you want to take some exclusive security measure for the service method in question. You can pack a security token in the relevant message header for the service method and validate the same in the service end before returning response. Also, since the information in the message is highly sensitive, you can sign and encrypt the message. We will implement this kind of service method level authentication and message level security for a specific service method, using Message Contract in this article.

Implementing the WCF Service

In order to implement the above discussed concept, we will develop a simple WCF service project. The WCF service has a GetAccountsData method which returns AccountsInfo of a customer on validating CustomerCredential passed as input.

Read more: Codeproject
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