Monday, January 16, 2012

Scaling Filesystems vs. Other Things

David Strauss tweeted an interesting comment about using filesystems (actually he said “block devices” but I think he really meant filesystems) for scale and high availability. I thought I was following him (I definitely am now) but in fact I saw the comment when it was retweeted by Jonathan Ellis. The conversation went on a while, but quickly reached a point where it became impossible to fit even a minimally useful response under 140 characters, so I volunteered to extract the conversation into blog form.

Before I start, I’d like to point out that I know both David and Jonathan. They’re both excellent engineers and excellent people. I also don’t know the context in which David originally made his statement. On the other hand, NoSQL/BigData folks pissing all over things they’re too lazy to understand has been a bit of a hot button for me lately (e.g. see Stop the Hate). So I’m perfectly willing to believe that David’s original statement was well intentioned, perhaps a bit hasty or taken out of context, but I also know that others with far less ability and integrity than he has are likely to take such comments even further out of context and use them in their ongoing “filesystems are irrelevant” marketing campaign. So here’s the conversation so far, rearranged to show the diverging threads of discussion and with some extra commentary from me.

DavidStrauss Block devices are the wrong place scale and do HA. It’s always expensive (NetApp), unreliable (SPOF), or administratively complex (Gluster).

Obdurodon Huh? GlusterFS is *less* administratively complex than e.g. Cassandra. *Far* less. Also, block dev != filesystem.

Obdurodon It might not be the right choice for any particular case, but for reasons other than administrative complexity.
What reasons, then? Wrong semantics, wrong performance profile, redundant wrt other layers of the system, etc. I think David and I probably agree that scale and HA should be implemented in the highest layer of any particular system, not duplicated across layers or pushed down into a lower layer to make it Somebody Else’s Problem (the mistake made by every project to make the HDFS NameNode highly available). However, not all systems have the same layers. If what you need is a filesystem, then the filesystem layer might very well be the right place to deal with these issues (at least as they pertain to data rather than computation). If what you need is a column-oriented database, that might be the right place. This is where I think the original very general statement fails, though it seems likely that David was making it in a context where layering two systems had been suggested.

DavidStrauss GlusterFS is good as it gets but can still get funny under split-brain given the file system approach:
I was rather amused by David quoting my own answer (to a question on the Gluster community site) back at me, but also a bit mystified by the apparent change of gears. Wasn’t this about administrative complexity a moment ago? Now it’s about consistency behavior?

Obdurodon I don’t think the new behavior (in my answer) is markedly weirder than alternatives, or related to being a filesystem.

DavidStrauss It’s related to it being a filesystem because the consistency model doesn’t include a natural, guaranteed split-brain resolution.

Read more: Canned Platypus

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