Thursday, May 19, 2011

20 Linux Server Performance Tips

Below are some performance tips based on Linux features. These performance guidelines will enhance Linux’s efficiency.

1. Tuning of the Elevator Algorithm in Linux Kernel for Disk I/O

After choosing the file system, there are several kernel and mounting options that can affect it. One such kernel setting is the elevator algorithm. By tuning the elevator algorithm, the system can balance the need for low latency with the need to collect enough data to efficiently organize batches of read and write requests to the disk.

2. Disable Unnecessary Daemons for Saving Memory and CPU space

There are numerous daemons or background services which run on every server, and the ironic thing is that they’re usually not required. But services with no utility still utilize valuable RAM and CPU time. In addition, they may expose the server to be attacked remotely. So, you should discard them from the server. The best place to disable them is the startup scripts that start these services at boot time. Disabling these daemons free up memory and decreases startup time. In addition, you’ll cut the number of processes that the CPU has to handle. Another benefit of disabling them is increased security of the server because fewer daemons mean fewer exploitable processes.

3.Shutdown GUI

Broadly speaking, there is no requirement for a GUI on a Linux server. Hence, it is better to shut down GUI as all administration tasks can be achieved by the command line, redirecting the X display or through a Web browser interface.  In order to disable GUI, “init level” should be set to 3 (command line login), rather than 5 (graphical login). If a GUI is needed, it can always be started manually with startx.

4.Clean up modules or features

There are number of features enabled in server software packages (such as Apache) that are not really required. Look at the configuration files for Apache and decide if FrontPage support or some of the other extra modules re required. If the answer is “no,” disable unnecessary modules from the server. It helps in increasing the system memory, and it lends more resources to the software that truly needs it to run fast!

5. Disable control panels

In Linux, there are a number of the more popular control panels, such as Cpanel, Plesk, Webmin, and phpMyAdmin which everyone loves. However, disabling these software packages can make as much as 120 MB of RAM free! Hence it is advised to disable these control panels until they are actually needed. They can be turned on via a PHP script (albeit somewhat insecure), or via a command entered at a shell prompt. By doing this, you can decrease the amount of RAM being used by as much as 30-40%.

Read more: Monitis part1, part2