Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Performance Analysis of Logs (PAL) Tool

Project Description
Ever have a performance problem, but don't know what performance counters to collect or how to analyze them? The PAL (Performance Analysis of Logs) tool is a powerful tool that reads in a performance monitor counter log and analyzes it using known thresholds.

    Thresholds files for most of the major Microsoft products such as IIS, MOSS, SQL Server, BizTalk, Exchange, and Active Directory.
    An easy to use GUI interface which makes creating batch files for the PAL.ps1 script.
    A GUI editor for creating or editing your own threshold files.
    Creates an HTML based report for ease of copy/pasting into other applications.
    Analyzes performance counter logs for thresholds using thresholds that change their criteria based on the computer's role or hardware specs.

To use PAL
The PAL tool is primarily a PowerShell script that requires arguments/parameters passed to it in order to properly analyze performance monitor logs.

Operating Systems
The tool is tested only tested on Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit. If you encounter problems with the tool on other operating systems, then consider reusing the tool on Windows 7 64-bit.
Required Products (free and public):
- PowerShell v2.0 or greater.
- Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1
- Microsoft Chart Controls for Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5

Read more: Yuval Sinay
QR: performance-analysis-of-logs-pal-tool.aspx

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