Monday, September 12, 2011

How To Change Your Facebook, Google Plus, Yahoo Theme !


Recently over 500 million users have joined Facebook, whereas around 10 million people have been welcomed by Google Plus since its launch.

Nowadays joining a social networking site is not only deemed the status quo, but it also allows users to find and stay connected with their friends, family and colleagues. Facebook, the social networking giant who holds the greater number of users on the internet, provides different types of applications and recently FB came out swinging full force against its competitor ( Google Plus ) by launching its new privacy features which rival those of Google Plus.

Amidst all of this ongoing hoopla that has been presiding amongst both rivaling Social Network Giants and the race in which will emerge as the winner of the social network game , there were several Developers on G+ who had begun creating various extensions which basically allowed modification of the G+ UI and overall design .

This allowed for easier readability and usability as well as enhancing and improving the stark white design of G+ . Users were implementing every extension which offered some type of improvement towards their G+ profile design . However, most of those extensions became buggy and broke every other day since Google continually kept upgrading and making changes to its UI . Thus , this left many users disheartened at having to part with the modified versions of their G+ design.

Read more: skytechgeek

Posted via email from Jasper-Net