IntroductionI blogged about Chocolatey before and I even made it work behind my proxy, this change is even in the latest version so go get it. And now I made a GUI for it. And it works on the newly created website too. Namely made by the always amazing Rob Reynolds aka ferventcoder. To install chocolatey now, open a powershell prompt, paste the following and type Enter: iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString("")) The GUIThe GUI just executes the powershell commands in the background. Something I also blogged about before. This GUI is my very first open source project and the code is up on github. Woohoo. I wrote it in C# and not VB.Net. But I might make a VB-version very soon. Just for the hell of it. It is a pre-alpha but most things work. You can see the installed packages.
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