Monday, September 12, 2011

Access Controls in ViewModel using Attached Properties


In MVVM, there are situations when we need to have the access of the particular controls in the ViewModel. For example, if I want to bind the IEnumerable to the DataGrid because I am not able to determine the fields till runtime. Now if I bind the IEnumerable and set AutogeneratedColumns = true then also DataGrid will not show the records because each row is returned as an “ExpandoObject” with dynamic properties representing the fields. In this case, I have to add the columns dynamically. To do that, I need the DataGrid control. Now to get the dataGrid control in the ViewModel we can use attached property. Let’s try.

For better understanding of this article, I would recommend reading of the attached properties.
Using the Code

First of all, define the attached property for the control in the ViewModel.

Public static readonly DependecyProperty DataGridProperty = _
    DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached(“DataGrid”, typeof(DataGrid),
    New FrameworkPropertyMetadata(OnDataGridChanged));

public static void SetDataGrid(DependencyObject element, DataGrid value)
    element.SetValue(DataGridProperty, value);

public static DataGrid GetDataGrid(DependencyObject element)
    return (DataGrid)element.GetValue(DataGridProperty);

Assign the name property on the control. Now we need to bind the control with this attached property.

<Window x:Class="AccessControlsInViewModel.MainWindow"
        Title="Access Controls In ViewModel" Height="350" Width="525">
        <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" DockPanel.Dock="Top" Margin="0,0,0,25">
            <Button Content="Add Columns" Command="{Binding AddCommand}" />
        <DataGrid Name="accessGrid" ItemsSource="{Binding ListOfPerson}"
        local:MainWindowViewModel.DataGrid="{Binding ElementName=accessGrid}"  />

Here I have binded the control with the attached property using the ElementName binding.

The reason behind using attached property is here we need to bind the whole control with the property and there is no in-built property available for doing this.

Read more: Codeproject
QR: AccessControlsInViewModel.aspx

Posted via email from Jasper-Net