Monday, August 22, 2011

Silverlight Tutorial Published [HEB]

After publishing a Windows Phone tutorial, the next logical step is a Silverlight tutorial.

So here it is, a 40 chapters tutorial in Hebrew completely adapted to Silverlight web development and using relevant source code and screenshots.

The tutorial is hosted on the great Hebrew developers community site:

The tutorial is based on Silverlight 4 and it teaches Silverlight web development from the first step, using Visual Web Developer 2010 Express, provided freely by Microsoft.

Following is the index for all chapters:

  1. Introduction & Working Environment
  2. First Application
  3. XAML Language
  4. Setting Properties in XAML
  5. XAML and Code-behind C#
  6. Layout: Introduction
  7. Layout: Using StackPanel
  8. Layout: Using Grid
  9. Layout: Using Canvas
  10. Layout: Additional Properties
  11. Basic Controls: Introduction
  12. Basic Controls: Button Controls
  13. Basic Controls: Text Controls
  14. Basic Controls: ListBox
  15. Basic Controls: ComboBox
  16. More Controls
  17. Date Controls
  18. Understanding ContentControl
  19. Using Dependency Properties
  20. Using Routed Events
  21. Adding Child Windows
  22. Using Resources
  23. Data Binding: Introduction
  24. Data Binding: Controlling Information Flow
  25. Data Binding: Controlling Update Time
  26. Data Binding: Defining Sources
  27. Data Binding: Using IValueConverter
  28. Data Binding: Using INotifyPropertyChanged
  29. Data Binding: Binding to Collections
  30. Using Data Templates
  31. Using Shapes

Read more: Arik Poznanski's Blog
QR: silverlight-tutorial-published-heb.aspx

Posted via email from Jasper-Net