Thursday, August 18, 2011

Silverlight testing framework support in the Unit Testing Service

The CodeRush Unit Test Runner supports running tests from the Silverlight Unit Test Framework which is a part of Silverlight Toolkit now, so it’s easy to test your Silverlight applications.

Once you install the Silverlight Unit Test Framework, you are able to create the Silverlight Unit Test Application project. Here is what the Add Project dialog looks with the Silverlight tab highlighted:


If you create this type of a project, you will get the source file containing a single test case. If you ever worked with Microsoft unit testing in Visual Studio, you will find the API quite familiar, including all key classes, attributes and namespaces: the TestClass attribute identifies the class that contains unit tests. The TestMethod attribute identifies methods that represent a single unit test case.

Read more: DevExpress CodeRush Tips&Tricks

Posted via email from Jasper-Net