Thursday, August 18, 2011

12 Fresh Google+ Apps, Tools and API Hacks


Although Google+ was launched more than a month ago, many applications and services have been already built on it. Which is really amazing considering the fact that, Google+ still don't have a public API. So, I started the roundup with API hacks to understand how other apps might have been made of.

1. PlusFeed

Although Google has not relaesed a public API for Google+, Russell Beattie has built a Google app to provide an ATOM feed of users' public posts. ( see my public feed).

The idea behind that app started by inspecting AJAX calls on Google+ page itself, which showed that Google uses this URL "[1,2,"118211149935481259253",null,null,null,null,"",[]]" to load your posts, which returns a malformed JSON array of my Google+ posts.

While you cann't use that malformed JSON in Javascript directly, you can use Google Feeds API to convert ATOM feed from PlusFeed into a regular JSON array that you can use.

A WordPress Plugin was already built based on PlusFeed. Also, The same idea was implemented in a PHP class by Rich Kreider.

2. JavaPlus

Another Google+ API hack, Javaplus, a Java object by Jason Grey for accessing many parts of the Google+ data. Javaplus can retrun basic information of a user, user's public posts feed, list of people in user's circles or people having a user in their circles.

3. Google+ Search

Read more: More tech tips
QR: 12-fresh-google-apps-tools-and-api.html

Posted via email from Jasper-Net