Thursday, May 26, 2011

NuGet for the Enterprise: NuGet in a Continuous Integration Automated Build System

My favorite talk was NuGet: Microsoft .NET Package Management for the Enterprise. I talked about NuGet, like I did in The Netherlands a few weeks ago, except the TechEd talk was focused much more on how NuGet fits into the software development lifecycle in a diverse Enterprise (or big boring company, if you prefer) environment.

Here's the video downloads, or you can click the slide at the right.
Just the Slides (useless)
MP4 (iPod, Zune HD)
Mid Quality WMV (Lo-band, Mobile)
High Quality WMV (PC, XBox, MCE)
At my last company, we used Subversion for source control and CruiseControl for Continuous Integration (CI). I thought it'd be nice to setup a similar system using the latest free (and mostly free) tools. Note, you can do all this with TFS as well for both Source and Build. I'll do a post on that later. For now, I give you:
Setting up NuGet to build using Mercurial for Source Control and JetBrains TeamCity for Continuous Integration while pushing to a local Orchard NuGet Gallery Server
Oh yes, that's a long H3 right there but it's descriptive, right? Here's the general idea.
