To create a customized animation you need to follow these 3 steps. For the explanation, we will create a simple animation that changes the background of a button gradually from black to red.Step 1 – Extend the Animation class and set the properties
Create a class which extends Android Animation class.
This class will hold the logic of your animation.
See my example:
public class BGColorAnimation extends Animation { private View view;
private int currentRedColor; //The steps to skip between colors
private static int STEP_SIZE=30;
private static int ANIMATION_DURATION=50; public BGColorAnimation(View view) {
setInterpolator(new AccelerateInterpolator()); setAnimationListener(new MyAnimationListener());
As you see, there is not much in this class since my animation is not that complicated.
Notice that I have made all the necessary animation parameters initialization from inside the constructor, but you can defiantly initialize them from outside the class.
There are 2 important parameters which determines the behavior of the animation:
RepeatCount – the number of steps this animation has.
Duration – the sleep time between 2 steps.
On each step, the animation listener will be triggered.Step 2 – Implement AnimationListener interface
Create a class which implements Animation.AnimationListener.
Read more: Mobile Zone
Create a class which extends Android Animation class.
This class will hold the logic of your animation.
See my example:
public class BGColorAnimation extends Animation { private View view;
private int currentRedColor; //The steps to skip between colors
private static int STEP_SIZE=30;
private static int ANIMATION_DURATION=50; public BGColorAnimation(View view) {
setInterpolator(new AccelerateInterpolator()); setAnimationListener(new MyAnimationListener());
As you see, there is not much in this class since my animation is not that complicated.
Notice that I have made all the necessary animation parameters initialization from inside the constructor, but you can defiantly initialize them from outside the class.
There are 2 important parameters which determines the behavior of the animation:
RepeatCount – the number of steps this animation has.
Duration – the sleep time between 2 steps.
On each step, the animation listener will be triggered.Step 2 – Implement AnimationListener interface
Create a class which implements Animation.AnimationListener.
Read more: Mobile Zone