My previous post outlined the benefits of automated code analysis and introduced the Delay.FxCop custom code analysis assembly. The initial release of Delay.FxCop included only one rule, DF1000: Check spelling of all string literals, which didn't seem like enough to me, so today's update doubles the number of rules! :) The new rule is DF1001: Resources should be referenced - but before getting into that I'm going to spend a moment more on spell-checking... What I planned to write for the second code analysis rule was something to check the spelling of .NET string resources (i.e., strings from a RESX file). This seemed like another place misspellings might occur and I'd heard of other custom rules that performed this same task (for example, here's a sample by Jason Kresowaty). However, in the process of doing research, I discovered rule CA1703: Resource strings should be spelled correctly which is part of the default set of rules! To make sure it did what I expected, I started a new application, added a misspelled string resource, and ran code analysis. To my surprise, the misspelling was not detected... However, I noticed a different warning that seemed related: CA1824: Mark assemblies with NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute "Because assembly 'Application.exe' contains a ResX-based resource file, mark it with the NeutralResourcesLanguage attribute, specifying the language of the resources within the assembly." Sure enough, when I un-commented the (project template-provided) NeutralResourcesLanguage line in AssemblyInfo.cs, the desired warning showed up: CA1703 : Microsoft.Naming : In resource 'WpfApplication.Properties.Resources.resx', referenced by name
'SampleResource', correct the spelling of 'mispelling' in string value 'This string has a mispelling.'. In my experience, a some people suppress CA1824 instead of addressing it. But as we've just discovered, they're also giving up on free spell checking for their assembly's string resources. That seems silly, so I recommend setting NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute for its helpful side-effects! Note: For expository purposes, I've included an example in the download: CA1703 : Microsoft.Naming : In resource 'WpfApplication.Properties.Resources.resx', referenced by name 'IncorrectSpelling', correct the spelling of 'mispelling' in string value 'This string has a single mispelling.'. Read more: Delay's Blog
'SampleResource', correct the spelling of 'mispelling' in string value 'This string has a mispelling.'. In my experience, a some people suppress CA1824 instead of addressing it. But as we've just discovered, they're also giving up on free spell checking for their assembly's string resources. That seems silly, so I recommend setting NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute for its helpful side-effects! Note: For expository purposes, I've included an example in the download: CA1703 : Microsoft.Naming : In resource 'WpfApplication.Properties.Resources.resx', referenced by name 'IncorrectSpelling', correct the spelling of 'mispelling' in string value 'This string has a single mispelling.'. Read more: Delay's Blog