Sunday, June 19, 2011

Howto Send and Read SMSs using a GSM modem, AT+ commands and PHP

I need to send/read SMS with PHP. To do that, I need a GSM modem. There are few of them if we google a little bit. GSM modems are similar than normal modems. They’ve got a SIM card and we can do the same things we can do with a mobile phone, but using AT and AT+ commands programmatically. That’s means we can send (and read) SMSs and create scripts to perform those operations. Normally those kind of devices uses a serial interface. So we need to connect our PC/server with a serial cable to the device. That’s a problem.
Modern PCs sometimes dont’t have serial ports. Modern GSM modems have a USB port, and even we can use serial/USB converters. I don’t like to connect directly those devices to the PC/server. They must be close. Serial/USB cables cannot be very long (2 or 3 meters). I prefer to connect those devices using serial/ethernet converters. Because of that I will create a dual library. The idea is enable the operations when device is connected via serial cable and also when it’s connected thought a serial/ethernet converter.

The idea is the following one: We are going to create a main class called Sms. It takes in the constructor (via dependency injection) the HTTP wrapper or the serial one (both with the same interface). That means our Sms class will work exactly in the same way with one interface or another.

Let’s start. First we’re going to create a Dummy Mock object, sharing the same interface than the others. The purpose of that is to test the main class (Sms.php)

class Sms_Dummy implements Sms_Interface
    public function deviceOpen()
    public function deviceClose()
    public function sendMessage($msg)
    public function readPort()
        return array("OK", array());
    private $_validOutputs = array();
    public function setValidOutputs($validOutputs)
        $this->_validOutputs = $validOutputs;

Read more: PHP on Windows