![Inline image 1](http://cdn2.sbnation.com/entry_photo_images/8282979/proteus_authentication_pill1_1020_large_verge_medium_landscape.jpg)
![Inline image 2](http://assets.sbnation.com/assets/2693161/mc10_electronic_tattoo1_560.jpg)
At the D11 conference today, Regina Dugan, SVP for advanced technology and projects at Motorola, showed off some advanced projects. The first was a prototype electronic tattoo on her arm from MC10, about which she quipped "teenagers might not want to wear a watch, but you can be sure they'll wear a tattoo just to piss off their parents."
The second technology was even wilder: a pill from Proteus Digital Health that you can swallow and which is then powered by the acid in your stomach. Once ingested, it creates an 18-bit signal in your body — and thereby makes your entire person an "authentication token." Dugan called it "vitamin authentication." Motorola CEO Dennis Woodside, who earlier confirmed the Moto X phone, added that the Proteus pill was approved by the FDA.
Read more: The Verge
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