Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Video conferencing is a preferred method to phone interviews

The responses to this week’s question: “What would you prefer - a video conference or a telephone interview?”, left us scratching our head a little. Really almost all of you – a whopping 88% - said you would rather have a video conference instead of just a phone interview. Our original guess was that, with some of the technical limitations, you would rather have a phone interview. That hypothesis was definitely blown out of the water!

It did get us thinking about the advantages of seeing who you are talking to, but also some potential pitfalls. Here are a few quick tips for a successful visual – if not live in person – interview for both participants.

1. Plan ahead – make sure you test your volume levels, lighting, and your distance from the camera in a practice round with friends or family.

2. What you wear still matters – maybe not a full blown suit and tie, but a clean and neat appearance go a long way.

3. Location – as in real estate location matters. Messy desk, high traffic area, bad background can all impact your interview session.

Read more: Microsoft Jobs