Thursday, May 19, 2011

MonoTouch/MonoDroid and Xamarin - what now?

If you are in the mono community then you'd have to be living under a rock not to have read that Novell was purchased by Attachmate then (first) heard the rumors that Attachmate Lets US Mono Developers Go and (second) seen Miguel's confirmation/announcement of the creation of Xamarin.

What I think this means is:
  • Mono should be fine. It has always been open-source (see and receives contributions from a variety or people regardless of who they work for.
  • The MonoTouch and Mono for Android (aka MonoDroid) products published by Novell will effectively stop being supported "as of now". This is based on the fact that none of the devs work there any more.
  • Attachmate hasn't announced any plans for those products - even whether they'll continue to be available for sale (along with the associated activation servers). It's impossible to predict what will happen here... various people are trying to get answers from Novell/Attachmate. Personally, even if Attachmate attempted to continue selling/supporting the products I would choose not to be their customer as soon as alternatives are available.
  • Miguel and the team who built MonoTouch and MonoDroid have publicly announced they're working on comparable/compatible products to be sold by Xamarin (their new company). These new products are 3-4 months away, betas first prior to a real release. They've done it before, they can do it again!
Lots of people (myself included) have invested plenty of time and money purchasing, learning and using MonoTouch and MonoDroid. I even helped write a MonoTouch book (and some guys have been busy with a MonoDroid one too). We are all collectively upset, disappointed and angry (imagine how the devs themselves feel).

All of this uncertainty has provoked a number of reactions, among them suggestions that all the work done on MonoTouch/MonoDroid projects to-date has been wasted or that people should start learning the native SDKs for iOS and Android instead of committing to the Mono alternatives.