Thursday, May 19, 2011

Localizing Silverlight-based Applications

Localization is the customization of applications for a given culture or locale. Localization consists primarily of translating the user interface into the language of a particular culture or locale. Localizing an application involves creating a separate set of resources (such as strings and images) that are appropriate for the users of each targeted culture or locale and that can be retrieved dynamically depending on the culture and locale.

This topic contains the following sections:

Localization and Resource Files
Localizing Out-of-Browser Applications
Localization and String Size
Displaying Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Text
Deploying a Targeted Localized Application
Retrieving Specific Localized Resources

Localization and Resource Files

The .NET Framework for Silverlight uses a hub-and-spoke model to package and deploy resources. The hub is the main assembly that contains the nonlocalizable executable code and the resources for a single culture, which is called the neutral or default culture. The default culture is the fallback culture for the application. It represents a region-neutral language such as "en" if the default language is English or "fr" if the default language is French. The spokes connect to satellite assemblies, and each satellite assembly contains the resources for a single supported culture, but does not contain any code. At run time, a resource is loaded from the appropriate resource file, depending on the value of the application's current user interface (UI) culture, which is defined by the CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture property.

Read more: MSDN