Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Anatomy of a Domain Hijacking, part 1

Two weeks ago I'd never heard the term 'Domain Hijacking'. Right now, I'm in the middle of a fight to regain control of my hijacked domain, secretGeek.net. It's not an easy fight, I haven't yet won, and I may never win.
If you have any information that could help me get control of my domain again please leave a comment, or tweet me (@secretgeek), or get in touch via my (now re-secured) email address, leonbambrick@gmail.com
From Russia with Love
On Monday 9th May, I checked my gmail account at around 3:40 in the afternoon, and I was confronted with a dark red message at the top of the screen (in the area where you normally see messages like 'Your email has been sent'). The message said:

Warning: we believe your account was recently accessed from: Russia. Show details and preferences | 

I clicked on 'show details and preferences', and a new window opened with this message:

This was definitely not me. At 4:19 AM, and 5:40am I had been far too busy being fast asleep, preparing for a big week, to get to Russia and back for some casual email reading. So someone had infiltrated my email. The freaking out sensation began immediately. I couldn't move. I was frozen completely still.
I followed google's advice and immediately changed my password, then notified my wife. My mind was racing as to what the implications could be.
A little voice told me to check the trash. I was really hesitant, I think I knew the trash would contain something I didn't want to see.

Read more: secretGeek