Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Layar 5.0 for Android available now – adds facebook and twitter sharing functionality


Layar is a popular app that makes looking for information around you fun and intuitive by providing an augmented reality browsing experience. There are over 2,000 layars to choose from now within the app, and they’ve recently added some animation to the 3D objects, as well as Twitter and facebook functionality for sharing those gems you may find in your travels.

The new version 5.0.1 will work on any Android OS version 1.5 and up and has the following additions in its release;
  • Layar 5.0.1 fixes a force close problem after installation of 5.0 and of course still includes our new features:
  • The ability to take screenshots in AR view and share them or layers with your friends on Facebook and Twitter.
  • Layer are no longer limited to static content. Now icons and 3D models can come alive with animation.
  • It’s easier to keep track of your favorite and most recently viewed layers with an improved and easier to use user interface.
Read more: Talk Android