Saturday, April 09, 2011

Control Your PowerPoint Presentations On Open Office With Your Android Device

So, lets say that you are in the middle of a conference and have to present some really important work to your team or prospective customers. Your computer is hooked up to a good projector, and you are all dressed up and ready to go. The last thing on your mind is that you will have to be close to your computer in order to get the different slides to show up on the overhead. Well, as you are currently in a bind with no way to run anywhere to get a remote control for this, you are left with no alternative than to pull out your trusty Android to do the job for you. XDA member v XenOn v has made an Android app that will allow you to control Open Office Presentation or PowerPoint software remotely. The app is simple to set up and works wonderfully well, and you will leave everyone’s head spinning as to why you can control your presentation with your phone. There is a .jar file that needs to be installed in your computer for this to work, which means that you also need Java in your computer as a requirement.

Read more: xdadevelopers