Thursday, April 14, 2011

CLR Execution Process

  • Choosing the Source Code language compiler.
At this stage we can choose the source code language for .NET. The primary languages available are C#, VB.NET and Python.
  • Compiling the source code to MSIL assemblies using the language compiler.
Compiling the source code using the language compiler generates the corresponding assembly containing the MSIL. The assembly can be either a .exe or a .dll depending on the entry point defined in the Application.
  • Executing the code by CLR
The operating system loader checks the COFF header for a managed module. When a bit in the COFF header is set on then that denotes a managed module. If the loader detects a managed module it loads mscoree.dll which denotes the runtime execution engine; mscoree.dll loads and executes the .Net assemblies.
At execution time the CLR converts the MSIL to native code using the JIT compiler at runtime. There is one more way of compiling the MSIL to native code as discussed below.

Read more: C# Corner