Google has just updated its cloud-based YouTube video editor to include the fruits of its recent purchase, plus a bit of 3D thrown in for good measure. The in-browser editor can now dramatically reduce camera shake using technology acquired from Green Parrot Pictures. It works by charting the best camera path for you, as if you were using a dolly or tripod, using a 'unified optimization technique.' In essence, it gives you a one-click solution for clearing up your shaky camera work, and the best bit is that you can preview it in real-time before you publish. Considering how much processing power video optimization like this demands, Google's pushing some impressive cloud computing here, distributing the load across a range of servers.
If video stabilization wasn't enough to sate your demands for a cloud-based video editor, how about a bit of 3D? Google's integrated 3D video production using two separate streams -- the kind of thing you get when you bolt two cameras together filming at a set distance apart at the same time. It's been quite difficult to create a 3D video from two cameras using just free tools, but now Google has integrated it into the YouTube 3D Video Creator and made it compatible with YouTube's 3D features.
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